CITIZENSHIP RENUNCIATION CERTIFICATE is issued by the Consulate after concerned Nepali authorities confirm that the applicant’s citizenship is no longer valid or has not ever received a Nepali citizenship.
- Applicant emails all required documents (see below) to; Consulate will check them and provide an appointment.
- Applicant submits renunciation form and all relevant document and copies at the Consulate.
- Consulate sends the renunciation form along with original नागरिकता to Department of Consular Services, Kathmandu.
- Department sends the documents to the respective District Office and relays the response back to Consulate upon invalidation of citizenship by District Office.
- Upon receipt of confirmation that applicant’s citizenship is invalid, Consulate issues Citizenship Renunciation Certificate.
*The timeline for the process is about 30 working days. Applicants are encouraged to follow up with their respective District Offices to expedite the process.
*If applicant is an adult (above 16 years of age) without Nepali citizenship, same process as above will be followed but Consulate will correspond directly with the District Office of the applicant’s parents to check whether or not applicant has been issued Nepali citizenship.
*If applicant is a minor (under 16 years of age), the Consulate will issue the Citizenship Renunciation Certificate on the day of appointment, subject to surrender of passport, if any.
Required Documents:
- Completed citizenship renouncement form (available in the Consulate General Office or Download Form).
- Nepalese Citizenship Certificate
- Nepalese Passport
- Minor Identity Card (If any)
- Birth Registration Certificate
- Copy of BNO passport (if any)
- Letter issued from UK Home office (from UK Visas and Immigration Liverpool) or from Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR (for Hong Kong Passport)
- A Copy of Citizenship Certificate of Applicant’s Parents.
- Parent’s Marriage Certificate (for children below 16 years age).
- A Copy of Hong Kong Identity Card/Macao Identity Card.
- Any other document as deemed necessary by the Consulate.
- 3 Passport Size Photos
- Fee: 400 HKD (Regular: 3 working days to get appointment) (Double fee for Urgent Service)
To send mortal remains (deceased body) to Nepal, applicant has to submit an application at the Consulate with the following documents:
- Citizenship certificate and passport of the deceased body.
- A Certificate of Registration of Deaths issued by Birth and Death Registry of Hong Kong.
- A Certificate of Order authorizing burial of body.
- A Permit of removal of dead body from Hong Kong.
- A Certificate of Embalmment stating that the deceased body has been fully embalmed and the remains are in a thoroughly sanitary condition for removal in Kathmandu.
- Any other document as deemed necessary by the Consulate.
- A Letter of “To Whom It May Concern” mentioning the details about the dead body.
- Fee: Free of Charge.
Verification of Documents from Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR
The Consulate General of Nepal occasionally receives, among other things, queries with regard to the verification of the authenticity of documents submitted by the Nepalese for obtaining visas in Hong Kong. In this regard, the Consulate General would like to notify the concerned Nepalese as follows:
- Documents issued in Nepal are duly sent to the relevant issuing authorities in Nepal for verification through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu.
- The Consulate General also notifies the Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR as soon as these documents are forwarded to Nepal.
- The Consulate General also continuously follows up on such matters from time to time with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to expedite the matters from relevant agencies in Nepal.
- Once replies from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are received, the Consulate General duly writes to the Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR.
Please note that the Consulate General of Nepal is obliged to send the information to the Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR as received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kathmandu. The Consulate does not/cannot change or hold or amend or interpret otherwise such information received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Required Documents:
- An application (Application is available at the Office or Download Application Form).
- Nepalese Passport (Original and photocopy).
- Copy of Nepalese Citizenship Certificate.
- Hong Kong Identity Card (Original and photocopy).
- Any other document as deemed necessary by the Consulate.
- Fee: 400 HKD ((Regular: 7 working days) (Double fee for Urgent Service)